Pitch To Wildwood

We are seeking great founders and ideas to join our Studio! Learn more below and submit an application.  Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis and you can expect a response from the Wildwood team within 10 business days.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

Our Core Values

  • Create for People With Purpose
  • Build to 10x Better
  • Press On With Hope

Interested In A Partnership with Wildwood?

We build with the pioneers, the courageous ones, the rebels just-crazy-enough to believe we can create things together that matter.

Wildwood partners with founders who are looking for a meaningful studio partnership. In addition to financial support, the Wildwood team offers entrepreneurs expertise and support in areas such as consumer insights, technology, product development, marketing, and beyond.

Eligibility Criteria

We look forward to hearing about what you’re building. Please note: this is a highly competitive process, and businesses that do not meet the criteria will not move forward in the process.

  1. You align with our investment thesis. We believe that as a society, we are more digitally connected and content rich than ever before, yet we are also more sedentary, addicted, lonely, and burnt out. Many people live life relatively alone, indoors, and unconnected to a broader purpose that can give meaning and motivation to their life. We’re looking for entrepreneurs dedicated to building technology companies that make lives better.
  2. You’re at the pre-seed stage and haven’t yet found product-market fit. You’re either in the very early stages of your business, or are at a  later stage with a business that is looking to make major pivots.
  3. You are an entrepreneur on a venture track. You’re looking to grow quickly and raise a priced round within the next year.
  4. You’re looking for more than just money from your next partner. As a studio, we provide meaningful early partnership and hands-on skills on topics like consumer insights, technology, and marketing to understand early product-market fit.

If those things are you, we’d love for you to submit a pitch.

What We Want to Hear from You

We welcome pitches in all shapes and sizes. In whatever materials you submit, we’ll be especially curious to learn how you think about the following:

    • You
      • Why are you dedicated to solving this problem?
      • What background and experiences are you bringing to find a solution?
    • Your Idea
      • What problem are you trying to solve, and why is this worth solving?
      • What is your big idea for solving this problem?
      • For businesses already launched, what traction have you seen to date?
    • Market
      • Who is your core consumer, and why will this solution work for them?
      • What is your TAM?
      • Who are your competitors?
    • Business Model
      • How do you make money?
      • Why is now the right time to build this business?
    • What’s Ahead?
      • In what areas do you need support next?
      • Why do you think Wildwood Ventures is the right partner for you?

Our Pitch Process

Click below to access our pitch form and submit any materials you’d like us to review. Finalists will be invited to meet the Wildwood team and pitch to our Investment Committee on a rolling basis.