Wildwood Ventures Accredited LP Investor Presentation – VIRTUAL – Thur Mar 27


David and Jesse will be hosting a virtual presentation on Thur Mar 27 and hope you can join them. This will be an opportunity to gather the national Wildwood community of current + future fans.

This zoom gathering is specifically intended for a curated group of accredited and/or institutional investors only who participate in venture capital investing. This virtual meeting is the final presentation as part of a national roadshow series.

We will give an overview of Wildwood and our current fund investment opportunity. The program will also include some remarks on industry themes, what we’re seeing at Wildwood, and other industry commentary for investors and operators.

Date + time

    • Thur Mar 27
    • 12:30-1:30pm MT
    • 2:30-3:30pm ET


    • Content is for accredited investors only


    • Virtual via zoom meeting. Once you RSVP, you’ll be added to a calendar invite with a zoom calendar link.

About Wildwood

    • Early-stage venture capital firm catalyzing healthy and active lifestyles. Building + investing in tech startups that bring “Life To the Full”. Spun out of Denver-based Fortune 500 VF Corp (NYSE: VFC) – owner of world-class brands like The North Face, Vans, and Timberland. An exciting opportunity to invest in impact-focused startups that promote flourishing through physical, mental, social, and spiritual health.


Are you accredited + interested + available?

TO RSVP: email and mention “Mar 27 virtual session”. By RSVPing, you are attesting to your status as an accredited investor as defined by the SEC.

Notice: This page is private and being provided to a limited number of friends, family, and close contacts. This page or its content should not be construed as investment performance, research, or advice and does not constitute, or form part of, any offer to sell or issue interests in a Fund or any other entity. Any such offer or solicitation will be made solely by means of a definitive offering document, which will describe the actual terms of any securities offered and will contain material information regarding the securities. Any forward-looking statements and past performance is no guarantee of future returns.